Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Is Hypnosis For Real?

Hypnosis has long been on the scene as a way to curb the most destructive habits, to make people cluck like chickens and all sorts of other reasons. When most people hear of hypnosis, they probably roll their eyes. Hypnosis isn't for real, after all. It's a parlor trick, it's entertainment, and it's a scam if you've paid for any sort of medical hypnosis or bought a self hypnosis book or audio tapes. However, when used correctly hypnosis really can help you overcome your most self destructive habits, such as overeating or smoking. In fact, learning the art of hypnosis can improve your self esteem, can make you emotionally stronger and can make you feel as though you've really got a handle on your life and how to be successful. How does it work? It's all within you.


In order to cause yourself to go into the deep, subconscious state of mind that it takes to undergo hypnosis, you must relax completely. If you go see a hypnotist, you'll find yourself being told to completely relax. You'll probably be told to close your eyes and to feel each body part completely relaxing. Feel your toes relax, then your insteps, the bottoms of your feet, your ankles, your shins, and so on. If a body part still feels tense, you'll likely be told, tell it to relax. Do this until your entire body is relaxed from the bottoms of your toes to the tops of your head. When you're completely relaxed, then the person taking you under will tell you to listen to the sound of their voice, or their use some other verbal or audio technique in order to take you further into your subconscious mind.

When you're in this state, officially under hypnosis, you are bypassing your conscious mind. Your conscious mind is where you actually think about the information coming in. Your conscious mind often discards the things it doesn't want to hear or thinks are impossible, such as telling yourself to quit smoking. Your conscious mind will say, "But I want a cigarette." But when you bypass your conscious mind and information goes right to your subconscious mind, that's when you are most susceptible to new information, suggestions, and that's when you can be instructed to break habits and even be taught how to succeed.

You Have To Want It

Hypnosis can work. It can be used for entertainment purposes as well as health purposes. It can even be used for self improvement purposes. However, you have to want to go under. You have to try and actually make effort to complete the instructions that the hypnotist gives you. If not, no amount of suggestion is going to work and everyone involved will have wasted their time. This is mostly why people say it doesn't work, because possibly they were attempting to go under, had doubts, and that's why it didn't work.

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