Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Weight Loss Hypnosis CD

Can A Weight Loss Hypnosis CD Really Work?

With so much useless information available about how to lose weight on TV programs, the internet, books and the like, it is no wonder that someone decided that a weight loss hypnosis CD might as well be added to the list of “useless ways on how to lose weight”.

After all, if you can pop a pill and lose weight, why can you not pop on some headphones and listen to a weight loss hypnosis CD and simply watch the fat melt from your body? It is amazing how much useful information is available on how to lose weight, and yet some people still think that a weight loss hypnosis CD will answer all of an overweight person’s problems.

A logical person will tell you that eating a balanced diet and getting plenty of exercise will help you lose weight. Why then is no one listening to them and pursuing such illogical methods such as taking a tablet, switching on a “fat vibrating” machine and listening to a weight loss hypnosis CD?

The answer lies in the consumer, because if it were not for them, we would all be eating carrots and riding bicycles to work. The reason we are not doing this is because it is much easier for us to eat cake and listen to a weight loss hypnosis CD.

Our society wants quick fixes. Rather than go to a psychologist week after week to find out why one is overeating, we would rather stay at home, hide in our homes and listen to the soothing sounds of a weight loss hypnosis CD. And we wonder why half the population is overweight?

Will There Ever Be An End To New Weight Loss Ideas?

Somehow I doubt it because as long as we are buying, Mr. Marketer will be selling. Mr. Marketer is only too happy to find new and unusual ways for you to spend your hard earned cash. Having you think that a weight loss hypnosis CD can really work, is in fact hypnosis itself.

Mr. Marketer has hypnotized you with mind-altering adverts that can convince a normal, intelligent human being into thinking that a weight loss hypnosis program can really work. Bingo! You have already been hypnotized. There is no need to think logically or work hard. Just turn on your weight loss hypnosis CD and listen to some more mind numbing rubbish. This is all the junk that is fed to us and in time your pocket will be empty by the time you get the walk up call.

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