Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Self Hypnosis Script

What Goes Into A Self Hypnosis Script?

One of the best ways to perfect self hypnosis is to use a self hypnosis script. A self hypnosis script can help you remember all the techniques it takes to put yourself into a deep state of relaxation. Once you're in that state of mind, a self hypnosis script can help you improve yourself, it can give your subconscious mind the suggestions or instructions it needs to improve yourself. One of the best ways to use it is to record your voice reading the self hypnosis script so that you don't have to continuously break your concentration in order to look down on a piece of paper. Once you get the hang of going under all by yourself, you'll find that you will no longer need your self hypnosis script because you know what to do all by yourself.

Get Relaxed

Your self hypnosis script should start out with you telling yourself to close your eyes and to focus on your deep breathing. You may want to remind yourself sporadically through the script to remind yourself to deep breathe. Sometimes you can get caught up in other things that you do in fact forget to breathe. Yet breathing is one of the most important things to include in any self hypnosis script. You'll then want to tell yourself to relax each body part from your toes to your legs, to your hips to the top of your head. Talk to each body part and tell it to relax and you'll find yourself getting into the ultimate relaxation mode.

Mantras, Suggestions And Instructions

What are your goals as far as your self hypnosis script goes? Are you trying to quit smoking? Are you trying to lose weight? Maybe you want to get the courage to get a better job, or to ask that hot blonde out, or to finally get your house organized. Whatever your goals may be, put them in your self hypnosis script. You can repeat to yourself a mantra, or a set of words that's repeated often to ingrain it into your brain, or you can just give yourself suggestions and suggestions that a normal hypnotist might give. Believe it or not, by telling yourself positive things over and over, you can overcome the negativity that often comes from your conscious mind.

Once you've written your self hypnosis script, record it onto your computer and then you can use your MP3 player to listen to your script or you can burn your own self hypnosis CD. Whenever you get time to yourself, find your quiet spot and play the self hypnosis script to yourself to better yourself, to overcome fears, or to just become more in touch with the spiritual you.

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