Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Stage Hypnosis Training

What Makes Stage Hypnosis Training Work?

If you are thinking that you can go out and take a hypnosis training course to make your friends cluck like chickens and bark like dogs, I am here to tell you that it does not exactly work like that. While stage hypnosis training can show you techniques to make people do that, it will not work on an unwilling participant. That is pretty much the first part of the stage hypnosis training, how to get your targets to accept you ideas and suggestions as being plausible and acceptable. Through the stage hypnosis training course you will learn ways to make the people on stage accept what you are telling them and be able put you in a position to make them do what you want.

Techniques Used In Stage Hypnosis Training

Many of the things that are taught in stage hypnosis training are techniques that have been developed over hundreds of thousands of years in human development. The key of the whole process is to put your subjects into a relaxed semi conscious state where you can make suggestions to their sub conscious mind that will be listed to by the conscious mind. The key to all of this however is that they will be given suggestions that they could see as being plausible and possible. Telling someone to run and jump off a cliff when you clap your hands would never work because they do not want to do that, but you could however make them cluck like a chicken when you clapped your hands, especially if they were in a state of mind where they were willing to do it.

Once you complete your state hypnosis training you can actually use it and apply it for things outside of the entertainment realm off the stage. You can use it on your friends to help the lose weight, quit smoking, or even stop gambling. Most people when you say the word hypnosis think of the stage variety, but the fact of the matter is that millions of people use the same techniques to cope with daily life on a regular basis. Just because you took a stage hypnosis training class does not necessarily mean that you have to use it for that purpose.

Some of the best clinical hypnotists started off wanting to develop a stage act and they have grown into their current roles using hypnosis for good. You too can be like that if you truly desire and are dedicated to your training.

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