Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Weight Loss Hypnosis Program

Struck By Lightning And A Weight Loss Hypnosis Program!

For the first time ever, someone had to come up with using a method even less effortless than breathing to lose weight. A weight loss hypnosis program! Yes, you sit there, doing even less physical effort into losing the weight. Could she not have just been shot into orbit where the gravity around some planets actually decreases your weight and bone mass? Is she from Mars?

Does she know that if she doesn’t want to really lose the weight mentally she will not lose it? She would have to at least get to the therapist for her weight loss hypnosis program. Oh no, don’t tell anyone fat, but now you get online weight loss hypnosis download. Gees man, does it never end?

Put some effort into it woman. You are already just lying there like a beached whale, and now you really think the weight loss hypnosis program is going to help while you sleep. Get with the program!

Suckered All Over Again By Your Laziness!

So while you were laying there, all the kilos just fell off in the night, while you had your ears jammed up while listening to the online weight loss hypnosis program? You have really lost it! You lost the whole point of losing excess weight, do some physical work. You wouldn’t be able to handle a bit of work when you finished hopefully losing the weight, as you wouldn’t know what to do with your muscles anyway.

They will just hang there. Just like you did when you thought you were first overweight and the scale just touched sixty kilograms. No she didn’t even clock the scale once. And you thought that being on the weight loss hypnosis program would help shed about thirty kilos off, not a damn woman. You are totally delusional and have no inclination on what overweight is all about or how any weight loss hypnosis program would work.

The only way that the weight loss hypnosis program works, is for the so-called doctor, and is in his wallet. You have been suckered all over again by your laziness and ignorance. The more effort you put in, even in your mind, the more kilograms you will lose.

Hopefully you would just get so frustrated listening and waiting in vain for the kilo's to fall off that you just get up and turn the online weight loss hypnosis download off yourself. See, so easy! And you really only needed some encouragement to do it in the first place. For yourself!

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