Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Learn Clinical Hypnosis

How Hard Is It To Learn Clinical Hypnosis?

It is very hard to learn clinical hypnosis to the point where you can be accredited and be legally allowed to practice hypnotherapy (clinical hypnosis). It also takes a lot of money, time and dedication. In order to learn clinical hypnosis, you must also learn psychotherapy and often many other medical classes. The rules for accreditation and licensing change from country to country and state to state, but on average, it takes about as long to learn clinical hypnosis as it is to learn to be a doctor.

Can't Learn Online

Most schools and universities that teach courses in how to learn clinical hypnosis require that you actually attend most of the classes. Since clinical hypnosis is a kind of physical medical treatment, it's like learning a medical course in that the nature of it requires hands-on learning that you can’t get from a textbook. There may be some theoretical classes that you can learn online, but they will be few and far between.

Need A High School Diploma

Although in some careers, it doesn’t matter if you have a high school diploma, in learning clinical hypnosis, you must have a GED, high school diploma or proof of basic schooling. You can’t just skip from elementary school to learning clinical hypnosis – unless you are freak prodigy like Mozart was.

In some courses where learning clinical hypnosis is taught, a high school diploma may not be enough. You may have to have an associate's or bachelor's degree from college, as well. And you never stop learning clinical hypnosis, really, even after you get your diploma. You may need to take a new class due to your license renewal requirements.


One of the best ways to learn clinical hypnosis is to network with other clinical hypnotherapists. There are many professional organizations that you should join, one for which is the Society of Clinical Hypnosis. These professional organizations can also help you with not only learning clinical hypnosis, but learning how to run a business and how to get any legal help if the need arises. Professional organizations also help to lobby for new legislation to help your interests.

It's also great to commiserate and get sympathy from people who know exactly what you are going through in the ups and downs of learning clinical hypnosis. This can help you relieve pent up stress and frustrations. In being less stressed, you can help your patients better.

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